

Compass grant enables OUWB student orgs to help pregnant women in Nigeria

An image of students assembling birthing kits

OUWB medical students prepare the birthing kits destined for pregnant mothers in Nigeria. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)



铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


About two dozen medical students from OUWB recently took time for a project that could mean life or death for women and children thousands of miles away.


Assembling 50 clean birthing kits to help pregnant mothers in Nigeria, which is considered to be one of the most dangerous places in the world to give birth, 根据 the website Concern USA, which cites the World Health Organization.

这个项目 was a collaboration between Farmington Hills-based 全球卫生慈善机构 and two OUWB student organizations: Advocates for Global Health and Human Rights (AGHHR) and OB/GYN Interest Group (OGIG). It was funded by a $500 grant from OUWB’s Compass.

OGIG Vice President Ekaterina Lavroushina Clark coordinated the effort, which follows a similar one from last year that was held for mothers giving birth in Ukrainian bomb shelters.

“I was enthusiastic about continuing to grow this partnership with 全球卫生慈善机构,拉夫鲁什娜·克拉克说. “OUWB students are able to work directly with a well-established local nonprofit that has made a profound impact on the lives of mothers and babies in nearly 20 countries.”


全球卫生慈善机构 aims to address “the sad and preventable deaths that occur in mothers and newborns who don’t have access to hospitals, 卫生保健资源, 清洁用品,网站上这样写道.

Since its 2013 founding, the nonprofit has assembled about 19,000 clean birth kits.

A typical clean birth kit comes in a vacuum-sealed plastic bag slightly larger than a standard one-gallon size. Vacuum sealing allows for shipment of more kits, and prevents tampering. In some situations, the bags are repurposed by end-users to transport water. 

Inside each bag are several critical items: a piece of plastic sheeting that is 36 inches by 36 inches (to provide for a clean surface for the mother); a paper-wrapped razor blade; a bar of soap; a knit baby hat; a cotton receiving blanket; gauze; prep wipes; umbilical cord clamp; and two pairs of exam gloves.

朱莉Borkowski, assembly coordinator for clean birth kits, said volunteers like the students from OUWB “mean everything” to the organization.

“Without volunteers, there’d be nobody to assemble the kits,”她说。. “Not only that, but in this case (with OUWB), the project was funded with a grant.”

An image of students assembling birthing kits

OUWB medical students prepare the birthing kits destined for pregnant mothers in Nigeria. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)

Lavroushina Clark said she was grateful to have support from OUWB officials, 比如特蕾西·泰勒, Ph.D., 副教授, Department of Foundational Medical Studies, 谁是教职员的赞助人, 和指南针, the OUWB department that oversees community engagement.


“All of the volunteer spots were filled, and we had representation from students from M1-M3 years,”她说。.

“The medical students appreciated an opportunity to engage with each other while making an impact on our global community.”

期待, Lavroushina Clark said she hopes ‘that this can serve as an ongoing volunteer opportunity for OUWB students.”

李Szuba, development and community relations officer, 全球卫生慈善机构, said she agrees and only sees good things coming from relationship between her organization and OUWB.

“The great thing about these volunteers is that they’re going to end up in places around the country (as residents),”她说。. “We’re local…so our reach is not huge. With these students going around the country, word of what we do hopefully will spread around, 这真的很棒.”
